Full Drum RotatorFull Drum Rotator

Full Drum Rotator

Rate: 100 drums per hour at 1,000 lb capacity

Container: 30 to 55 gallon steel, plastic, or fiber drums

Material: Carbon, galvanized, or stainless steel construction


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A full drum rotator is used in a labeling operation, inspection station, or to orient the label to the outside for palletizing. The rotator capacity is 1,000 lb per drum. The cycle rate is 35 seconds.


This rotator is made from two separately driven powered roller conveyors that run in opposite directions during the rotation. The drum is conveyed into the center of the split lane conveyors. A tire then moves into position with guide wheels on the opposite side to capture the drum. One conveyor drives forward while the other conveyor drives in reverse, rotating the drum. The tire and wheels guide and stabilize the drum. When finished, the tire and wheels retract then both conveyors drive forward again to send the drum out. OSHA approved safety guards are provided but not shown.

Description of Operation

This full drum rotator has a capacity of 1,000 lbs per drum. The cycle rate is 35 seconds.

  • This full drum rotator is made from two separately driven powered roller conveyors
  • Each conveyor runs forward and one runs in reverse during the rotation cycle
  • Both conveyors run in the same direction when the drum enters and exits
  • Upon arrival a rubber tire moves in on one side
  • A cradle of idler wheels clamp the opposite side of the drum
  • The rollers run in opposite directions to rotate the drum
  • When completed at 90, or 180 degrees, rotation stops
  • The tire and wheels retract to the home position
  • Both conveyors start up running forward
  • The drum leaves the station and another drives in

Technical Specifications

This full drum rotator has a capacity of 1,000 lbs per drum. The cycle rate is 35 seconds.

  • Rotator handles 30 to 55 gallon steel, fiber, or poly drums
  • Powered conveyors are chain driven live roller type
  • Each conveyor is driven by a 1/2 HP gear motor
  • The rollers are hardened to handle steel drum rims
  • Rollers are all 2.5″ dia. at 750 lbs capacity each
  • Pneumatic tire rotates and guides the drum
  • Four wheel cradle captures the opposite side
  • Air cylinder pulls the tire and cradle into position
  • OSHA and ANSI approved safety guards are included
  • Rotation cycle takes 35 seconds for a 55 gallon drum

Specialty Equipment manufacturers the highest quality drum rotators, pallet dispensers, conveyors, and fillers, and all carry a well known reputation for rugged, long lasting construction.